Saturday, July 14, 2012

Don't Leave Money on the Negotiation Table - Top Five Negotiating ...

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'; div.innerHTML = summary; } //]]> Don't Leave Money on the Negotiation Table - Top Five Negotiating Behaviors Don't Leave Money on the Negotiation Table - Top Five Negotiating Behaviors

In my 20 years of training, coaching and selling, I have worked with 1,000's of sales professionals and observed them selling and negotiating in classroom role-plays and in actual client meetings. Regardless of the industry or the negotiation setting, there are five behaviors that top performers consistently demonstrate. To be effective and maintain the competitive edge, you need to be able to demonstrate the ability to do the following:

#1 - Learn - Before you move from the selling phase to the negotiating phase of the sales cycle, learn as much as possible about the needs of your client. Make sure you understand how the client defines value. It is also important to know the client's business priorities and who/what you are competing with for the business. When you spend the proper amount of time learning, you can then negotiate from a point of value and not price.

#2 - Think before you speak - Always use pauses strategically. Many people feel the need to fill the void if no one is speaking. You do not need to fill the void and in fact, a pause is often a welcome break. Pausing is critical especially after the other person has asked you to make a concession.

#3 - Get all the cards on the table - Do not give up anything before you know everything. If you give something up too early, you may find that later on you did not need to make the concession. For example, let's say that in the beginning of the negotiation, you concede on price and drop it by 5% to keep the customer happy. Then, later on you find out that the customer wants the order rushed and that time is more important than money. It is very difficult to go back on the original concession. You may end up giving something up in addition to the fee.

#4 - Move slowly - If you want to build a relationship with this person, do not rush to come to agreement. When negotiators rush, they make mistakes and mistakes cost money! Move slowly both in speech and in changing the agreement.

#5 - Maintain confident body language - If your client pushes back on terms or price, ensure that your body language does not give the appearance of a lack of confidence or a belligerent attitude. Do not cross your arms, move your chair back or scrunch your forehead. Sit up straight, move forward slightly, and maintain a calm composure.

Linda Berke is President of Taylor Performance Solutions, Inc. a New York based consulting and training firm. The Taylor team specializes in providing fully customized training to support business and individuals when they want to increase sales, enhance service, improve in-house training and develop strong leaders. All training and coaching solutions are designed to bring immediate business results and help you exceed your goals.

For information about how the TAYLOR team helps professional improve their negotiations or selling skills, you can contact Linda at (800) 610-8170 or linda @

Visit the Taylor web site at

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