Sunday, July 15, 2012

San Bernardino mayor weeds with family at Wildwood Park

SAN BERNARDINO - As the city reels from its preparations for bankruptcy, Mayor Pat Morris says residents can start to turn the city around with small acts to improve their neighborhoods.

He and his wife, Sally, put their trowels where their mouths were Saturday morning, spending several hours weeding and making other improvements at Wildwood Park, where they've worked off and on to maintain the front entrance since the city's first Beautification Day in September.

"It's wonderful if people would adopt one of our public spaces," Morris said. "A median, an area of park - something to give a sense that we're orderly, and we're engaged, and we care about this place."

Wildwood Park, on the northeast corner of Waterman Avenue and 40th Street, is one of several parks under the supervision of a single worker after a 40 percent reduction to the Parks Department, Morris said.

"They need all the help they can get," he said. "This is a way leaders and others, if they truly are committed to this city, can show it."

Sally Morris said she has volunteered at the park several times this past week and as often as she has had time since the Beautification Day.

"People come by and offer water or a thumbs-up - it's very encouraging," she said, adding that one woman said she would join in starting next weekend. "We've gotten a lot done, but not as much as we first thought we would. Look at the size of some of these weeds - we can't brag too much."

The mayor said family members have planted drought-resistent plants - paid for by a Home Depot grant - at the park's entrance, and painted, weeded and swept the area.

Reach Ryan via email, find him on Twitter @SBcityNow, or call him at 909-386-3916.


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